2. Supported Methods

GET Lists

Retrieve a list of all available resources

GET /api/v2/resources

Retrieve a list of data views

GET /api/v2/datastreams

Retrieve a list of datasets

GET /api/v2/datasets

Retrieve a list of visualizations.

GET /api/v2/visualizations

In no GET parameters are included, the API will return all resources associated with the account. The following parameters can be included in the GET query to sort and/or filter.

  • query: string of text to search in all parameters of the data view
  • offset: starting from which data view will return results
  • limit: used with offset can limit the amount of results
  • order: it can be top, viewed, downloaded o last which sorts the results accordingly.
  • categories: lists the names of the categories, separated by commas
  • resources: a list of resources by type (‘ds’, ‘dt’, or ‘vz’).
  • count: the total amount of results
  • next: a link to the next API request according to pagination
  • previous: a link to the previous API request according to pagination
  • result: an array with the final results

An example of results with limit 2 would be as follows


  "count": 20,

  "next": "http://api.dev:8080/api/v2/datasets/?auth_key=576bba0dd5a27df9aaac12d1d7ec25c8411fe29e&limit=2&offset=2",

  "previous": null,

  "results": [


          "endpoint": "http://datastorage.mineduc.cl/tablas/Nivel_Calificaciones_anio_2006.csv",

          "description": "Descripcion del conjuto de datos",

          "parameters": [],

          "tags": [



          "created_at": 1337611920,

          "title": "Nivel de Calificaciones 2006",

          "link": "http://microsites.dev:8080/datasets/61649/nivel-de-calificaciones-2006",

          "user": "publicador",

          "guid": "DATASET-ID-61649",

          "category_name": "Educación"



          "endpoint": "http://datastorage.mineduc.cl/tablas/Nivel_Rendimiento_anio_2010.csv",

          "description": "Descripcion del conjuto de datos",

          "parameters": [],

          "tags": [



          "created_at": 1337611453,

          "title": "Nivel de Rendimiento 2010",

          "link": "http://microsites.dev:8080/datasets/61648/nivel-de-rendimiento-2010",

          "user": "publicador",

          "guid": "DATASET-ID-61648",

          "category_name": "Educación"





Retrieve information associated to a data view

GET /api/v2/datastreams/:guid

Retrieve information and data content associated to a data view

GET /api/v2/datastreams/:guid/data

Retrieve information associated to a dataset

GET /api/v2/datasets/:guid

Retrieve information associated to a visualization

GET /api/v2/visualizations/:guid

An example output of a data view


  "endpoint": "http://datastorage.mineduc.cl/tablas/Nivel_Calificaciones_anio_2006.csv",

  "description": "Contiene indicadores para promedio anual de calificaciones (para Enseñanza Básica de Niños y Enseñanza Media de Jóvenes).",

  "parameters": [],

  "tags": [],

  "created_at": "2012-06-04T14:12:52",

  "title": "Nivel Calificaciones 2006",

  "link": null,

  "user": "publicador",

  "guid": "NIVEL-DE-CALIF-2006-53010",

  "category_name": "Educación"


JSON Structure

The result is an Argument object, which is a recursive data structure containing the following properties:

fType: Indicates the data type of the Argument. Its values could be ARRAY | TEXT | NUMBER | DATE. The ARRAY data type indicates that the Argument contains a TABLE.

When the data type is ARRAY fRows and fCols indicate the number of rows and columns of the TABLE. In the same way, fArray contains the data of the TABLE as an array of Argument objects.

When the data type is TEXT the value is contained in fStr. For a NUMBER data type the value is contained in fNum. For a DATE data type the value is contained in fNum as an epoch time value.

An Argument may contain a LINK. In such case, fType contains LINK, the corresponding uri comes in fUri and the text to show is contained in fStr.

When data type is ERROR, it means that there was an error when executing the data view, the error message will be contained in fStr.

When a error occurs, the result is replaced with the last result that was correctly executed.

To recognize if a result is updated, an additional property called fTimestamp exists. It contains the POSIX time when the data source was successfully accessed for the last time. If fTimestamp has a value of 0, that means that the result is updated.

Retrieving data in a different format

The output of the data invoked through the API can be modified by changing the extention of the data value in the request. By default, the data value is set as data.json, which returns an object with the structure described aboves are available. Current available formats are:

  • data.json : Returns data as a json array
  • data.xml : Returns data as an XML
  • data.csv : Returns data as a CSV
  • data.xls : Returns a url to redirect to an XLS document.

More output formats will be added in time