1. Data Resources

All API resources, except where an exception is declared, will be returned as an object with the following attributes:

  • guid: Unique identifier of the resource.
  • title: Title of the resource.
  • description: Description of the resource.
  • user: Username of the creator of the resource.
  • tags: Tags associated with the resource.
  • created_at: Creation date of the resource.
  • endpoint: Location of the source of the resource.
  • link: URL to the resource on the Open Data portal.
  • category_name: Name of the category of the resource.
  • parameters (data views only) : Dynamic values, defined by the user on the Open Data portal, that allow custom filtering of a data view based on rules set during the creation of the data view.
  • result (data views only) : content of the data view
  • type (search results only): a two character string of text identifying a resource as a data view (‘ds’), a dataset (‘dt’) or a visualization (‘vz’)

"guid": "INDIC-DIARI",

"title": "Indicadores Diarios",

"description": "Datos obtenidos en l\u00ednea del Banco Central de Chile.",

"user": "cne",

"tags": [],

"created_at": "2015-07-28 11:20:24",

"endpoint": "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wiUQlRiIPMbTWFDVn3Ug8Rp15yHuXwsCU3ZGz39xJhg/pub?gid=0&single=true&output=csv",

"link": "http://datos.energiaabierta.cne.cl/datastreams/94287/indicadores-diarios/",

"category_id": 41111,

"category_name": "Internacional",

"parameters": [


    "name": "param0",

    "position": 0,

    "description": "Un parametro",



    "name": "param0",

    "position": 0,

    "description": "Un parametro",



"result": {


  "fArray": [


















      "fDisplayFormat": {"fPattern":"#,###.##", "fLocale":"es"}



      "fStr":"UTM (Agosto)",









      "fStr":"Dólar Observado",









      "fStr":"Dólar Observado19-08-2015",















Resources managed by the API are:

  • datasets
  • data views
  • visualizations